I have been reading through Proverbs, and there are several verses that encourage a cheerful spirit and relate to the positive outcomes of a happy heart. I once read a magazine article on Jennifer Love Hewitt. She told a story of a friend asking her if she was in love. She said she thought it was kind of strange, because these were the first words that she was greeted with. Her friend explained that she could tell by the way she looked; she had a glow about her. She was so confused, but she knew that is was the truth; she was in love. What was going on inside was shining through to the outside. My mom has always taught me that it is what is on the inside that counts, and she has always encouraged me to focus on my faith. Whatever is on the inside will be visible to those around you.
"I believe that the happiest girls are the prettiest girls." -Audrey Hepburn
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