Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Next Nicholas Sparks

In every poem, every song, every book and every movie, there is a line that grasps our attention. It causes us to rewind and play and rewind and play. Maybe it reminds us of a moment that we shared with someone or maybe it reminds us of a moment that we had hoped to share with someone. It tugs at our heartstrings, and the words compiled are forever written in our memory. I’ve shared the following with Emily, and she said I shouldn’t tell anyone else until I can say it to someone who makes me laugh, always encourages me and daily confirms that I can’t be without him, but I’m not a very quiet person. When I have something I want to share, I share away. So, before you read the words ahead, there are two elements that are critically crucial:

a serious mood: which is super duper foreign to me, since I tend to teeter on the silly side of the spectrum.

a slow and quiet tone: even though I was born and raised in the South, people are always asking me to slow my words down. I am 90 to nothing and still accelerating.

Now that you have fully prepared yourself, here is the line that I will share with the boy I absolutely adore.

"I’ve never been in a relationship I wasn’t trying to get out of.

And I am not saying that I am not guarding my heart.

And I am not saying that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.

But I am saying that I look forward to spending time with you next week."

AHHHHHHHHH!!! And then, after I throw those words in his face, I am sure he will be Goo Goo Gah Gah, bend on one knee and ask me one simple question that will turn my world upside down! Call me a romantic, because I am hopeless and a outrageously ridiculous. Readers, thank you for putting up with me, and one day, maybe one day, a boy will want to do the same, but until then and tomorrow, I will leave you with… “If you like her, and she makes you happy, and you feel like you know her---then don’t let her go.”-Message in a Bottle

1 comment:

  1. First, Thank God that wedding week is over!!! Second, You are right...I cant imagine you being both calm and serious at the same time. That being said the guy you decide to give your best Nick Sparks speech to better consider himself very lucky! Or I will get Mr. Hardcore's number from your mom and have the chump taken care of!
