Monday, February 22, 2010

The Grammar of Love

Please know that I do not nor do I think I totally comprehend God’s love. He teaches me daily, hourly and minute-by-minute as I cling tightly to His word. God’s love is perfect.

Last spring, I struggled with the meaning of love. When people share their feelings they have for us, but their words are not affirmed by their actions, it means nothing, and it leads to hurt feelings and streaming tears. I talked to Danielle about my confusion. She explained, love is not telling someone, but showing someone. If a friend was hanging from a cliff, and you were standing above them explaining how much you loved them, but you did nothing to help them, your words would be useless. The feelings of not being honored and respected were a huge lesson I will always cherish. After I left Anna Margaret’s Valentine’s Day party at her school, Rebecca asked me if I noticed the boy in the yellow shirt nestling himself beside me as I read to the group of preschoolers. She explained that a few months ago, his parents had moved three states away and left him in the care of his grandparents. Why the little boy? At the time, if I would have known the details about brown eyed boy sitting on my left side, I would have held in my arms and told him how much I loved to read to him. It brings tears to my eyes to think he could wonder why his mother or his father hasn’t tucked him into bed for the past two months. It also brings tears to my eyes to think God could have placed someone in my life for an instant and in that instant, I did not show him or her Christ’s love. Whether it is the waitress at Ruby Tuesday’s or the man on the elliptical, I want to show everyone I encounter the love God shows me. I am reminded it is not about me. It is about bringing honor and glory to His name. I have challenged myself, and I will challenge you, be compassionate, be humble, be caring, be kind and be gentle towards others. But most importantly, love, and remember, it’s a verb.

“For God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” –John 3:16

“LOVE each other as I have loved you.” –John 15:12

“Christ demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners, He died for us.” –Romans 5:8

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