Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hardcore Dior

I was practicing my designer inspired attitude when said to a boy, “Don’t mess with me, because I am a backwoods girl, and I have people who come out of the woodwork and hunt you down. “ My statement was confirmed the other day by a family friend when he said, “Chas, if anyone were to every mistreat you, you just let me know.” I seriously contemplated giving him an address. This man’s last name is Core, and you better believe he is bad to the bone.

Rick has a special place in my heart. We ride around town in his jeep with the windows down while listening to the Grateful Dead, and if my family or I haven’t seen him in a few days, I get a little worried, and I ask my mother to make a “check-up” phone call. Rick knows my routine, and he laughs as he says, “Oh Chas, if you haven’t seen or heard from me in a couple days, you think I am in jail!”

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