Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Veranda Cafe

I miss the Café. Every day, I looked forward talking with the locals and passer by’s as I worked with Judy, Darlene, Kim, Amy, Lynn and Mrs. Bivens. I wish I could have worked there forever, and I still help with the catering when I can. Judy, thank you for allowing me into your family. I loved spending time with the three of you, and I hope we can have a Saturday Lake Day soon. Darlene, thanks for always making me laugh. You were the reason I was worried I would be fired from my job, because you always had me doubled over in giggly pain. Kim, thanks for not giving me too much of a hard time when “I got a Rueben!”, and I will always remember that conversation we had at the Café the day of the Tucker wedding. Amy, I can’t believe Joe is your brother. Who knew I would be working with the boy’s sister who canoed me down the Tennessee River for a day and a half. Lynn, I don’t know how you do all you do. I admire your work ethic. Mrs. Bivens, thank you so much for allowing me to work for you. You have such a great thing going in Scottsboro, and to you, I will always be thankful.

So ladies, in the future, you can expect Christmas cards, a wedding invitation, random text messages making sure you haven’t forgotten about me and occasional stop-bys when I am in town. I love you all very very much.

Customer: “How big is your fruit tray?”

Darlene: “Oh, about the size of a toilet bowl.”

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